Trinidad and Tobago screening at WCSOTA and WHO GIEESC
"The Right to Heal" was screened at the World Congress of Surgery, Obstetrics, Trauma, and Anesthesia and held on October 16-17, 2013, at the Hyatt Regency Trinidad, in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. The World Health Organization Global Initiative for Emergency and Essential Surgical Care (WHO GIEESC) held their annual meeting in conjunction with the inaugural meeting of the WCSOTA. WHO GIEESC attendees from over 50 countries reported their progress on bringing surgical care globally.
The goal of the conference was to share knowledge across professions to advance surgical, obstetrical, trauma and anesthesia care.
The film was screened to a large audience of medical professionals and global health leaders and stimulated much discussion, providing many points for collaboration among this learned body. Comments included: “Your film was absolutely fantastic.”
Many were visibly moved and reached out during the conference. Key participants who held leadership roles and who were passionate about the cause communicated their desire to spread the word about the need for surgical care in developing countries and their inspiration as a result of the film, and offered to host screenings of the film in their own countries, universities, societies and to the medical community. Feedback included their impression that this film and movement includes the lay community which makes it far reaching. They embraced the film's message, and concurred on the urgency and need to spread the word and want to contribute directly to bring essential surgery to the forefront of the global health discussion.