Imperial College Surgical Society (ICSM), in partnership with the Royal College of Surgeons (RCS), hosted the conference entitled "Global Health and the Surgeon." The conference premiered the first UK screening of "The Right to Heal" on Nov. 17, 2013 at the Sir Alexander Fleming Building, Student Union, South Kensington Campus, Imperial College London, United Kingdom.
Interesting fact: The venue was named after Sir Alexander Fleming- the man who discovered Penicillin whilst working at one of the Imperial College London campuses 30 minutes away from the building.
This event, in its second year, brought together medical and high school students from various interdisciplinary fields to bring to light the realities of the global burden of disease and the role of surgery in the humanitarian response. The conference goal was to inspire the next generation of medical thinkers and global pioneers to examine the frontiers and potential of global medicine. The screening was held at the close of the event.
Key speakers for the event were; Professor Parveen Kumar, co-author of the medical textbook "Kumar & Clarke's Clinical Medicine", Lord Ian McColl, Chairman of Mercy Ships and Dr. Meena Cherian, Head of the Emergency and Essential Surgical Care Program at the World Health Organization (WHO).
Rele Olugunde stated that the screening was, "Very well received, thought provoking and very much enjoyed". We would like to thank organizer Prashant K. Bohra, Treasurer, Imperial College Surgical Society (ICSM) and Rele Ologunde, 5th year medical student, Imperial College School of Medicine, for their invitation to premiere our film, and for their support in furthering the film's message to increase global access to Essential Surgery.